G-Shock Move GBA900 Series

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  • Regular price $140.00

A Black Sport Watch That Moves You: G-SHOCK MOVE GAB900CB-1A

The steady wind and rain make it a tough day for a run, but you’re committed. You finish tying your running shoes with a determined final tug, check your step counter and make a mental note of your daily progress. The run is going to put you over your goal, and no amount of rain is going to stop that achievement. You smile knowing the G-SHOCK MOVE running watch will be with you every step of the way.

The sky grows darker as the rain increases, and you press a button to activate the Casio Super Illuminator LED backlight. A quick glance down at the cobalt blue face of the GBA900CB-1A allows you to check the digital exercise intensity graph. It indicates that you might not be pushing yourself as hard as you had planned. With a burst of dedication, you run harder. Glancing at your black G-SHOCK MOVE, the exercise intensity indicator quickly displays that you’re on track. Satisfied, you keep up the pace, checking your black G-SHOCK sport watch every ten minutes or so.

The rain lightens, and a ray of sunlight pokes through as the audible tone from your watch lets you know that you reached the lap distance that you set before your run. Having reached your goal, you decide to push onward, and the exercise intensity indicator on your black G-SHOCK sport watch displays you’ve reached your most intense workout yet. The last vestiges of light rain reside as sunlight rends the clouds. Maybe it’s time for a new goal? The thrill of accomplishment spurs you onwards, and you make a final turn towards home, noting the new distance record you’ve run on your black G-SHOCK GBA900CB-1A sport watch.